Callie Varra

The Most Beautiful Places You Need to Visit in Western Colorado
Western Colorado provides a supreme opportunity for outdoor adventurists to indulge in the beauty this state offers. Among the roughly 300 lakes on the Grand Mesa, and the multiple 14ers, it is hard to say that the 'Grand Valley Curse' is even a curse, but rather a blessing...

Win the Ultimate Grilling Experience with the Big Green Egg + Ham Contest
Backyard BBQ's will never taste the same for our Big Green Egg + Ham contest winner. Find out more here.

Pork and Hops People’s Choice BBQ Tasting + Awards
Come hungry and leave happy from US Bank's People's Choice BBQ Awards at Grand Junction's Pork and Hops challenge on September 13.

The Cobra Rock Formation Near Moab Crumbles
The Cobra rock formation that once resided as part of the Fisher Tower formations near Moab has crumbled due to severe storm weather, according to suspecting experts.

Best Pick-Up Lines from Grand Junction’s Farmer’s Market
The produce isle is often a prime venue for picking up a hot date, but one place that beats this market for mates is the Downtown Grand Junction Farmer's Market. The Farmer's Market is swarming with potential as it attracts single men and women who have "good taste" in the local produce (wink, wink)...

Comedian Steve ‘Mudflap’ McGrew Is Coming to Grand Junction
Comedy Central comedian, Steve 'Mudflap' McGrew will perform a gut busting show at Mesa Theater in Grand Junction.

Where the ‘F’ is ‘A’ Road?
For non-natives of Western Colorado, it may seem odd reading street signs labeled F 3/4 Road or 29 1/2 Road, but when given poor directions, drivers simply have to recite the alphabet and perform simple math to reach his or her destination.

Who is to Blame for Our Childrens’ Laziness? Parents or Technology?
Setting "screen-time limits" on iPads and computers is now a commonly debated topic between children and parents. Although items such as smartphones, tablets, and computers tend to entertain children easily, are we to blame children for his or her claimed laziness?

Our Interns Photobomb Grand Junction’s Farmer’s Market Visitors
The Downtown Grand Junction Farmer's Market provides the best venue for photographers to capture patrons partaking in the Farmer's Market festivities.Whether these photographed fellas have an ice-cream mustache, or a cheesy smile, our Interns decided they wanted to spice these portraits up. Of course, there was no better way than to photobomb thier unknowing victims.

Pork and Hops Challenge Announces Headliners
The Bud Light Colorado Pork n Hops Challenge, presented by US Bank, announces this years headliners, mouths begin watering as excitement for this year's tasty event nears. One thing that barbecue does not go well with is a white t-shirt, otherwise Pork n Hops has enough live music and beer to accompany this occasion. To find out more details on this year's festival, read the information below: