Florida Gulf Coast University is getting a whole lot of attention this month, and some of it is focused on former supermodel Amanda Marcum, the wife of coach Andy Enfield. How..did..he...

The man now being called "the most interesting college coach in the world" is even more intriguing, now. We investigated his game, because we're not ashamed to take pointers from a man married to a supermodel:

The pair met in 2003; Amanda was a big OK State basketball fan, with tickets to the NCAA tournament in Boston, and no ride. Friends called friends, and somehow Enfield ended up driving Marcum to the game.

"As soon as I saw Amanda get into my car, I knew it would be a good trip."

Clearly he was right. Perhaps even more impressive than this initial luck is that their first official date was at Taco Bell, and they were engaged 6 months later. Marcum ended her career in modeling to move to Tallahassee to become a mom. The couple now has three kids.

Marcum says all the media attention regarding the reveal has been "surreal," and wants to keep the attention on the players. With pictures like these just lying around on the internet, it's hard to remember how to spell the word basketball:

Amanda Marcum pics
Amanda Marcum pics
Amanda Marcum pics

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