When it came to taking the SAT test, if there was any one thing I needed, it was practice. Fortunately for today’s students, the Mesa County Library offers practice sessions for the SAT and ACT tests during the months of August and September.

Do you suffer from test anxiety? Do you need a few practice runs for the SAT? Are you simply curious what you’re in for when it comes to these high-pressure tests?

The SAT prep test is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 27, at the Mesa County Central Library at 5th and Grand. Seating is limited. You must pre-register online at mesacountylibraries.org, or by calling (970) 243-4442.
So, how will this unfold? As it turns out, the test is timed, just like the real deal. Those taking the test will need to bring a calculator and a No. 2 pencil.

How much will it cost? Is this going to break the bank? No! As a matter of fact, it’s free.

Don’t be like me and walk into the SAT and ACT test only to get blindsided. I thought it was going to be some quaint little fill-in-the-dots quiz. Be ready. Give serious thought to participating in this practice session.

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