Highway 13 north of Rifle has become one of the more deadly stretches of road in western Colorado. Within the last couple weeks, there have been three persons killed.

Two wrecks have resulted in the fatalities. Oddly enough both happened along the 15-mile marker. In the last four years, there have been 92 crashes along the highway from Rifle to Meeker.

Google Street View -highway 13
Google Street View -highway 13
Colorado State Patrol are somewhat baffled by the number of wrecks. The road is curvy but certainly not to any extreme. Of course, rural Colorado has numerous winding roads and driving along them is a way of life. Highway 13 is a two-lane road and it's easy to drift into oncoming traffic or misjudge your speed into a curve.

Excessive speed seems to be part of the problem. Any road with long straight stretches that then roll into a sharp curve can have fatal results. Of course, distracted driving, or any kind of driving under the influence, could lead to disaster.

If highway 13 is part of your daily commute, or you may be headed that way anytime soon, it's always best to allow yourself extra time. Remember too, keep both hands on the wheel, and always buckle up for safety.

Credit: KKCO-TV

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