Scary Clowns

An Exclusive Interview with a Clown
An Exclusive Interview with a Clown
An Exclusive Interview with a Clown
After confirmed sightings of a scary/creepy clown in Junction last week, the story has continued to grow. There are sightings all over Junction. Then this morning,  Fox News reports, "Ronald McDonald is laying low amid creepy clown sightings." This is getting out of control! There's only one way to find out what's really going on, ask a creepy clown.
We Set Out to Find a Clown in Grand Junction and We Did
We Set Out to Find a Clown in Grand Junction and We Did
We Set Out to Find a Clown in Grand Junction and We Did
I'm not sure how the scary clown phenomena got to where it is today, but the fact is it's taken the country by storm. Google "scary clown news stories" and dozens pop up. Coast to coast, from South Carolina to California, north to Michigan, and down to Texas, reports of scary clown encounters continue to grow. It now appears that Junction isn't immune from the hysteria.