
Company Posts Sign Saying Employees Will Face ‘Smell Check’ After Long Bathroom Breaks
Company Posts Sign Saying Employees Will Face ‘Smell Check’ After Long Bathroom Breaks
Company Posts Sign Saying Employees Will Face ‘Smell Check’ After Long Bathroom Breaks
Next time you think about taking a long bathroom break at work, be happy you don't work at this place! This picture was posted on a Reddit thread recently. Apparently, management at this company felt that employees were taking bathroom breaks that lasted too long and wanted to crack down with "smell checks" after long trips to the restroom...
China now Hiring Bathroom Cleanliness Officials
China now Hiring Bathroom Cleanliness Officials
China now Hiring Bathroom Cleanliness Officials
The cleanliness of public bathrooms in China, despite improvements still has a long way to go. As part of China's plan to increase bathroom cleanliness the Chinese government is now taking applications for their new bathroom patrols.
Woman Thinks Subway Is Her Private Bathroom … Seriously
Woman Thinks Subway Is Her Private Bathroom … Seriously
Woman Thinks Subway Is Her Private Bathroom … Seriously
Even those of us who don't reside in a major city know that subways are not the cleanest places in the world. But one woman has apparently made it her mission to make sure NO ONE will ever mistake the New York City subway train for what it really is: a vile, stinky, moving germ bomb ready to give you a rash.