Doesn't take a genius to figure out that the title of this article is literally happening, has been for years. But in this case I am speaking figuratively. As in, people in our state are starting to become cool with the fact that we allow you to smoke pot here without going to jail. 

A recent survey from Public Policy Polling shows that while there was some resistance to the state’s recreational marijuana commerce in the beginning, many of those who had an issue with the new law have since changed their mind.

According to the survey, nearly 60% of Colorado residents believe that people should be able to legally use marijuana, while 35% are still not high on the idea.

I have said it before, and I will say it again... People are going to smoke it whether it's legal or not, with it being legalized Colorado is poised to generate $1 billion in recreational marijuana sales this year, with it illegal the state makes how much again?

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