Spring is here and so is The Heat Is On DUI checkpoints. Over the weekend, The Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol, and local law enforcement kicked off their annual spring five-week DUI enforcement program. This year's crackdown runs through May 15.

Spring brings more than flowers and leaves on trees. It means outdoor activities, cookouts, festivals, baseball, graduations, and other celebrations. Don't forget annual 4/20 events are part of the mix as well.

Law enforcement will be out, well...in force with random DUI checkpoints and will be keeping a close eye out for impaired drivers. During last year's statewide spring "Heat" event over 1,500 drivers wound up in cuffs. During those same 5 weeks last year, 94 persons were killed on Colorado highways with 40% the direct result of impaired driving.

What will it cost you if you're arrested? Just watch this.

CDOT put this video and new campaign together to help educate drivers on the costs of a DUI arrest. It's not just the money, which can be in the thousands, it's the loss of your driving privilege, lost jobs, and possible jail time. These videos are real people, from right here in Colorado sharing their stories and what it cost them because they chose to drive impaired. Enjoy the beautiful weather. Just don't indulge too much, or better yet, use a designated driver.



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