Hallothanksmas is real. That doesn't make it right. I've heard of it.  Perhaps witnessed it a few times over the past several years, but what I saw today, shocked me.

I understand retailers need to "get a jump on the holidays" and get products on the shelves. I also understand that they've got their sales goals to hit. However, when Halloween and Christmas displays actually share the same space, that's crossing a line.

Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels

It's one ting to have the displays in close proximity. Perhaps in the same section of the store, but together, right next to each other. What the heck's going on here? Call me crazy, but I'm not cool with the grim reaper propped up next to the Christmas tree.

Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels

Each of the three holidays (Halloween isn't actually a holiday), how many of you have Monday the 31st off work? Are about a month apart. There's plenty of room to work them in separately. How do I know this? I'm old enough to remember when we celebrated each...separately.

Thanksgiving is actually one of my favorite holidays. When I was young we played football, watched football, ate dinner, went hunting, and then ate more leftovers. My family came from all over to spend the long holiday weekend together. Now, we can hardly wait to push back from Thanksgiving dinner to race to the mall and go Christmas shopping.

Ray Michaels
Ray Michaels

It's insanity. When you jam all of this together, you tarnish what's special about each of the holidays. Let's give them their space. Let's take the time a enjoy each holiday. Time moves too fast already, no need to jam the holidays together too. Sorry, but I'm not celebrating Hallothanksmas. No way. Never.


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