The cleanliness of public bathrooms in China, despite improvements still has a long way to go. As part of China's plan to increase bathroom cleanliness the Chinese government is now taking applications for their new bathroom patrols.

Specially Designed Bathroom in China
China Photos, Getty Images

Bathrooms in China have long come under scrutiny, so much so that there is a bathroom survival guide for tourists. It suggests carrying your own tissues for those 'primitive' situations and reminds tourists many toilets are the 'squat style'.

Chinese Public Bathroom
China Photos, Getty Images

The Chinese government is creating positions for people to smell bathrooms for a living, rating how foul public bathrooms are. China's health minister called on those under 30, who have no nasal disease and no use of tobacco or other things that may foul up a nose.

The 'assessments' will be teams of three who rate public bathrooms on odor from 'odorless' to 'intense foul smell'. As part of the assessment, new limits on the number of flies per square meter of bathroom are also enforced. There is zero-tolerance for maggots.

Specially Designed Urinals in China
China Photos, Getty Images

As part of the new cleanliness laws, the Chinese are also now building 1,000 public bathrooms for dogs. So far 80 have been built to help keep the city streets clean.

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